Catherine has been a member of the local community for many years and has lived in Fort Erie, with her family, for the past 30 or more years. Many or those years included regular attendance at the Central Ave United Church in Fort Erie.
A few years ago, when Central Ave United decided to disband, Catherine chose to make First United, Sherkston, her new church home. Catherine has learned to trust God for direction in her life and is excited when God does intervene to lead her toward successful accomplishment of God’s will for her life. This helps meet her needs as well. Catherine grew up in the church and has witnessed her faith grow stronger each year.
She has been a Licenced Lay Worship Leader since 2009 and has put her training to good use by doing supply minister work at First United Sherkston, Thorold United Church, and Niagara Falls Baptist Church in Niagara Falls, NY.
Catherine is recently retired and a grandmother to seven grandchildren (some of whom often accompany her to services at First United Sherkston). Her interests include reading, scrapbooking, kayaking and working in her flower gardens.